• Graf Zeppelin JP

    Graf Zeppelin JP

    Led Zeppelin Tribute Band of Japan
  • Graf Zeppelin JP

    Live in Tokyo 2

    11/12/2022 @Kichijoji Silver Elephant
Graf Zeppelin

the intensity of
Led Zeppelin's



4/20(土) 19:00 Start




5/5(日) 14:00 Start



The Song Remains The Same

This is our sample 2CD set (not for sale) that recreates the live performance of Led Zeppelin at the Madison Square Garden in 1973.

  • Recording

    06/09/2018, @Futsukaichi MOVEment
  • Distribution

    All Free ( Japanese Domestic Only )
    すべて無料 ( 日本国内限定 )

Click on the icon below to apply.
Please let us know the postal code, address, and name of the destination.

  • Impression

    ● 何度も聞いたセットリストですが、Graf Zeppelin JPさんならではの「今の音」が聴けてサイコーだと思いました。
    I have heard this setlist many times before, but I thought it was great to hear Graf Zeppelin JP's unique 'new interpretation'.

    ● Led Zeppelinのカバーバンドは沢山いて、日本でもMr.JimmyやCinnamonが有名ですが、変に細部に拘ってつまらないと思うこともしばしばです。しかしこのバンドは思い切りストレートど真中に飛び込んで来る感じが良いです。ネブワースで最後のLed Zeppelinを観た私のような人間でも「良い」と思います。
    There are many Led Zeppelin tribute bands, and Mr Jimmy and Cinnamon are well-known in Japan, but many of them are so obsessed with details that I often find them boring. However, this band jumps straight into the middle of things, and the feeling is good. Even someone like me, who saw the last Led Zeppelin at the Nevworth, thinks they are 'good'.

    ● メチャクチャカッコ良いですね。クオリティーの高さに感動致しました。私は今年58才ですが、学生の頃アルバイトに代で初めてLed Zeppelinのレコードを買った事を想いだして、あの頃に戻ったような気持ちになりました。
    It's really cool. I was impressed by the high quality of the performance. I am 58 years old this year, but I remember when I bought my first Led Zeppelin LP as a student with my part-time job money, and I felt like I was back then.

    ● 素晴らしい演奏です!感動しました!この荒々しさはロックそのものです!是非この歴史的音源を手元に..!
    Excellent performance! I'm very impressed! This roughness is what rock is all about! Please get this historic recording..!

    ● 通勤の往復で全曲聴いてます。素晴らしい演奏とヴォーカルですね。
    I listen to all the songs on my commute to and from work. I think it's a great performance and vocal.

    ● とてもカッコよかったです。ライブの一発録りでこのクオリティは凄いです。
    It was very cool. This quality is amazing for a live one-shot recording.

    ● クオリティー高いですね!楽しかった!
    High quality! I enjoyed listening to it!

    ● 素晴らしい演奏ですね!どのパートも素晴らしいです。音色・フレーズ等、相当研究されてるのがCDから伝わって来ます。
    It's a wonderful performance! Every part is wonderful. I can feel from the CD that you have done a lot of research on tones, phrases, etc.

    ● ライブハウスでの録音で臨場感もあり、Jimmy Pageがいた頃の「Live yardbirds」の続編を聴いているかのように感じました。
    Recorded in a live house, it had a realistic feel and felt like listening to a sequel to 'Live yardbirds' from Jimmy Page's time with the Yardbirds.

    ● 一発目からビックリしました!もう興奮しながら聴いています!めちゃくちゃカッコいいですね!愛聴盤として大事にします。
    I was surprised from the very first shot! Then I'm already excited to listen to it! It's so cool! I will treasure it as my favourite listening CD.

    ● 最初のドラムからギターのリフ!痺れました!素晴らしいです!
    From the first drums to the guitar riffs that follow! It was numbing! It's wonderful!

    ● 年に1回はMr.Jimmyさんのライブに参加してLed Zeppelinのリバイバルを楽しんでいるのですが、ここにもう一つ楽しみなバンドに出会えました。特にDazed And Confusedは、なかなかのものだと思います。
    Once a year I attend one of Mr Jimmy's gigs and enjoy the Led Zeppelin's revival, but here's another band I'm looking forward to seeing. In particular, "Dazed and Confused" is quite something.

    ● 来た来た来たーーー!たまりません!素晴らしいです!ライブ行きたいです!
    It's coming, it's coming, it's coming...ohhh! I can't stop! It's fantastic! I want to go and see you guys!

    ● かっちょ良いデス。CinnamonさんやMr.Jimmyさんも見ましたが、Graf Zeppelin JPさんのライブも是非見たいデス!
    It's so cool. I've seen Cinnamon and Mr Jimmy, and I'd love to see Graf Zeppelin JP live, too!

    ● 録音はマルチトラックなんでしょうか?臨場感というか、ライブの空気感がものすごく伝わってきますね。
    Is the recording multi-tracked? The realism, or rather the atmosphere of a live performance, comes across extremely well.

    ● 演奏を聞いて本物かと思いました。数年前まで博多で働いていたのですが、もしその当時だったらライブに行けたのに...と、今さらながら残念です。
    When I heard you guys play I thought you were the real Led Zeppelin. I used to work in Hakata until a few years ago, so if I had known you guys back then I could have gone to the gig... I'm sorry to say that I'm still disappointed.

    ● 「貴方を愛し続けて」が特に素晴らしかったです。
    "Since I've Been Loving You" was particularly wonderful.

    ● 特に凄いのはボーカルさん。全然ボルテージが下がってませんね。Black DogとOver The Hills And Far Awayを高音でかっ飛ばしている。Over The Hills And Far Awayなんか、本家のどのブートでも下げてるのに!まるで本家のLed Zeppelinをライブハウスで聞いているようです。
    The vocalist is particularly amazing. He's not losing voltage at all, he's soaring through "Black Dog" and "Over the Hills and Far Away", even though "Over the Hills and Far Away" is turned down on all of the original Led Zeppelin bootlegs! It's like listening to the original Led Zeppelin in a live house.

    ● このCD、すごくよく出来ています。ヴォーカルさんはRobert Plantにすごくよく似ていますね。このCDは本物のまるでLed Zeppelinの海賊盤です。
    This CD is very well done. The vocalist sounds very much like Robert Plant. This CD is like a real Led Zeppelin bootleg.

    ● 東京公演の感動が甦ります。
    It brings back the excitement of their Tokyo concert.

    ● 最高!昔、Led Zeppelinのコピーも何曲かやっていましたが、レベルが違い過ぎ!ギターさんもよくぞココまで...というくらい音色やフレーズまで、本家のJimmy Page真っ青!️というくらい凄いです。でも何と言っても圧巻なのが、ボーカルさんです!本家のRobert Plantでさえ、ある時期を境に高音が出なくなっていたのに、ライブでこれだけ歌えるなんて凄過ぎる!️バンドの一体感も素晴らしいです。
    This guy is the best! I used to do a few copies of Led Zeppelin songs, but the level of their playing is on another level! I'm amazed at the guitarist too... The tone and phrases are so amazing that even the original Jimmy Page would turn blue. But the most impressive person is the vocalist! Even the original Robert Plant lost his high notes after a certain period, but he's too amazing to be able to sing this much on stage! The togetherness of the band is also fantastic.

    ● The Song Remains The Sameの映画を見て、毎日Led Zeppelinを聴きまくってた頃を思い出しました。
    I remember watching "The Song Remains the Same" film and listening to Led Zeppelin records every day.

    ● 本家Led Zeppelinへの愛と、ライブで叩き上げてきたであろう歌唱力と演奏力が感じられて素晴らしい!正に伝説の「熱狂のライブ」。
    It is wonderful to feel the love for the original Led Zeppelin and the singing and playing ability that must have been beaten up on stage! A truly legendary "The Song Remains the Same".

    ● 早速聴かせて頂きましたが、ホント素晴らしいです!失礼かとは思いますが、ここまでやるとは驚きです!
    I had a quick listen and it's really great! I don't want to sound rude, but I'm surprised you've gone this far!

    ● ロックン・ロール!
    Rock and Roll !

    ● こんなRobert Plantばりの凄いハイトーン・ボーカリスト、大学の後輩の人見元基くん(Vow Wow)以来の衝撃です。
    I haven't heard such a great high-tone vocalist like Robert Plant since Genki Hitomi (Vow Wow), my junior at university.

    ● 仲間も聴きたい!と言うので、後で渡す予定です。
    My musical friends want to listen to it, too! So I will give them a listen later.

    ● このサウンドの水準で、無料配布!?
    At this level of performance, how could it be distributed for free!?

    ● まずLPのようなお洒落なCDに感激です!2枚続けて聴き通したところですが、Led Zeppelinの音を忠実に再現されてるんですね。Led Zeppelinの元のバージョンよりも音符が立って聞こえるので聴き取りやすいです。きっと聴音や音選びにすごく時間をかけられたんだろうと思います。元の音を再現しながら、抜け出た勢いを創り上げて舞台に持っていくこと、畑は違えど演奏する立場として、この作業の出来上がるまでのプロセスを想像すると、本当に尊敬してしまいます。ライブでこれだけのボリュームを楽々とこなされる皆さん、凄いです!バンドの皆さんお一人お一人を尊敬いたします!
    First of all, I am impressed by the stylish CD, which looks like an LP! I've just listened through two of them in a row and they are faithfully reproducing the Led Zeppelin sound. The notes sound clearer and easier to hear than the original versions of Led Zeppelin. I'm sure they spent a lot of time listening and selecting the sounds. As a performer in a different field, I really admire the process of reproducing the original sound while keeping the raw momentum and bringing it to the stage. It's amazing that you can handle such a large volume of music in a live performance with such ease! I respect each and every one of you guys!

    ● あまりの演奏の質の高さに、びっくりしてしまいました!
    I was surprised by the sheer quality of your performances!

    ● ボーカルの方のRobert Plantぶりも凄いですが、ギターの方のJimmy Pageのたどたどしさの再現ぶりが素晴らしいです!
    The vocalist's Robert Plant-ness is amazing, but the guitarist's recreation of Jimmy Page's faltering is fantastic!

    ● 演奏全体から、Led Zeppelinへの尊敬と愛情が伝わってきます。仕舞い込んでいたLed ZeppelinのCDやLPを引っ張り出して、もう一度聴いてみたくなりました。折に触れて聴いて若い頃を思い出して元気を取り戻すツールにしたいと思います。
    The respect and love for Led Zeppelin can be felt throughout the performance. It made me want to pull out my Led Zeppelin CDs and LPs that I had put away and listen to them again. I would like to listen to it from time to time as a tool to remember my younger days and regain my energy.

    ● カッコいいデザインのCD。しかも演奏はLed Zeppelinさながらのグルーヴ感で迫力がありました。
    A cool CD with a cool design, and the performance was powerful with a Led Zeppelin-like groove.

    ● 貪る様に聞き通しております。兎に角スバラシイ!この再現感!演奏の先に見える本家Led Zeppelinへのリスペクト!時として本家Led Zeppelinをも超える...これが「71年の荒々しさ」を謳う所以なんでしょう。まだまだヘビロテしてしまいそうです。
    I've been listening to it like I'm devouring it. It's amazing! This superb reproduction! The respect for the original Led Zeppelin that can be seen beyond your performance! At times it even surpasses the original Led Zeppelin... I guess this is why you guys call it 'the intensity of '71'. I'm sure I'll still be playing it heavily.

    ● 本家Led Zeppelinが活動していない以上、これが本物である。
    As the original Led Zeppelin is no longer active, this is the real Led Zeppelin.

    ● Rock And RollやBlack Dogをスタジオ・バージョンのキーで歌い上げてるハイトーン・ボイスやクリソツのギターの音色&フレーズに感動です!
    I'm impressed by the high-tone voice singing "Rock and Roll" and "Black Dog" in the key of the studio version, and the chiselled guitar tones & phrases!

    ● Led Zeppelin特有の荒削りな緊張感が、ものすごく伝わってきました。これは最初から最後まで、大音量でドップリ聴かないといけません。
    The rough-hewn tension inherent in Led Zeppelin's music came through tremendously. You have to listen to this from start to finish, immersed in it at high volume.

    ● とても感動的な内容で感激しました。はじめは車のBGMにでも...と思っていましたが、部屋でじっくりと聴き直しました。
    I was very impressed by the very moving content. At first I thought I could use it as background music in the car...but then I listened to it again carefully in my room.

    ● カッコいい!再現度、かなりのモノですね!きっと生半可な練習じゃなかったと感じます!これからも頑張ってください!応援させて頂きます!
    Cool! This reproduction is quite something! I feel sure it wasn't half-hearted practice! Keep up the good work! I'll be rooting for you!

    ● 本家Led Zeppelinの生を知らない私は、「まさにこんな感じだったんだろうな...」と思いながら聴いています。
    I don't know the original Led Zeppelin live, but I listen to them thinking, "This is exactly how original Led Zeppelin live must have sounded like...".

    ● 何という内容の濃さ...。Dazed and Confused (ライブバージョン)の再現クオリティの高さは尋常でないです。凄い!
    What a wealth of content...The quality of the reproduction of "Dazed and Confused" (live version) is extraordinary. It's amazing!

    ● 実は4年ほど前に一度ライブを拝見したことがあるのですが、以前に増してクォリティが高くなっていることに驚きました。各セクションも素晴らしいのですが、特にボーカルさんの歌声には文句のつけようが有りません。素晴らしい!たまに勘違いしているRobert Plantさんを見かけますが、そういうのとはレベルが違います。バラードしか歌えない人なんかでなく、声量、声域、表現力まで驚きの連続です。
    I actually saw them live once about four years ago and was surprised to see that the quality is higher than before. Each section is great, but I can't fault the vocalist's voice in particular. It's fantastic! Sometimes you see a misunderstood "Robert Plant", but he is on a different level. It's not like he can only sing ballads, but his voice volume, range and expressiveness are astonishing.

    ● このパフォーマンスは本当に驚きです!
    This performance is truly amazing!

    ● ライブの熱気がビシビシ伝わって来ます。最高~!
    You can feel the enthusiasm of the live performance. It's the best!

    ● The Song Remains The SameのLPを買った時と映画を見た時を、思わず思い出してしまいました。
    I couldn't help but remember when I bought "The Song Remains the Same" LP and when I saw the "The Song Remains the Same" film.

    ● 実に完成度が高い仕上がりで驚きました。私も前にLed Zeppelinの曲を何曲かバンドで演奏しておりましたが、この演奏は本家と聞き間違える程ですね。ボーカル、ギター...似てますねぇ。️素晴らしい。
    I was surprised at the high degree of perfection. I have played some Led Zeppelin songs with my band before, but this performance could be mistaken for the original. Vocals, guitar... It's so similar. Great.

    ● ユーチューブよりも音が素晴らしい(ベースがしっかり聞こえる)ので楽しめますね!東京でのライブには、是非伺いたいと思います
    The sound is great (you can hear the bass well) and more enjoyable than on YouTube! I would love to come to your live show in Tokyo!

    ● 久々にサンタさんにプレゼントを貰った気分になりました。
    It has been a long time since Father Christmas gave me a present.

    ● Robert Plantはライブじゃそんなに声出てない!って、思わず突っ込んでしまいました!圧巻ですね!素晴らしい!
    The original Robert Plant doesn't sound so good live! I couldn't help but think! It's a masterpiece, isn't it? It's fantastic!

    ● 皆さん、一回聴いてみてください。感動しますよ。Led Zeppelinファンだったらびっくりして、最後は感動します。よくぞここまでやってくれた...みたいに。
    Give it a listen, everyone. It'll move you! If you're a Led Zeppelin fan, you'll be surprised and moved at the end. You're amazed they've made it this far.

    ● 高校生の頃にLed Zeppelinをコピーしていた当時のことを思い出して、思わず胸が熱くなりました!
    I couldn't help but be reminded of those days in high school when I used to copy Led Zeppelin!

    ● Led Zeppelinの曲をここまでカバーできるのは凄い。
    It's amazing that they can cover so much Led Zeppelin music.

    ● スリリングです。また内容もさることながら、CDの意匠がとても良い!細かい気配りに人柄のよさを感じます。
    It is thrillingly done. In addition to the content, the design of the CD is very good! The attention to detail shows a great deal of their personality.

    ● 演奏クオリティの高さに驚愕です。しばらくヘビロテしてしまいそうです!
    The quality of the performance is astonishing. I'll be listening to it in heavy rotation for a while!

    ● 凄い再現力!
    Great reproducibility!

    ● 最高です。全体的にドラムのタメが効いてるのがカッコイイ。Black Dogでの声域の限界に挑むような雄叫びには、本当に心が震えました。Misty Mountain Hopのボーカルのシャウトは、全盛期のRobert Plantが憑依したような出来ですね。Stairway To Heavenのギターのメロ、途中でワザとはぐらかすような独特のクセのある弾き方が、すごくカッコいい。単にコピーやカバーっていうんじゃなくて、本当に自分たちのものにしてるんだなってのが伝わってきました。
    Really great. The drum groove is cool throughout. The vocal screams on "Black Dog" really shook me up as he pushes the limits of his vocal range. The vocal shouts on "Misty Mountain Hop" are like Robert Plant at his peak possessed. The way the guitar on "Stairway To Heaven" plays the melody in a peculiar, quirky way, like it's being deliberately lost in the middle of the song, is really cool. It's not just a copy or a cover, it's something they've really made their own.

    ● 博多のライブイベントで共演した際に、彼らのサウンドチェックが始まるや否や、みんなビックリして控え室から飛び出して観に行ったくらいです!驚異のハイトーン・ボイスをお持ちのボーカルさんの天分には、羨望を感じずにいられません。クラシックなハ-ド・ロック・ファンならずとも必聴です!
    When we performed with them at a live event in Hakata, we were all so surprised as soon as they started their sound check that we all ran out of the waiting room to watch! With a vocalist who has an amazing high-tone voice, you can't help but feel envious of his natural talent. A must for all fans of classic hard rock!

    ● 最高でした。自分もまたバンド組みたいと思いました!
    It's so great. I wanted to form a band again too!

    ● この演奏、ホントに凄いです。完コピですね。ギターもますます上達してますね。ボーカルも絶好調!CinnamonやMr. Jimmyに対抗できる本物になりつつありますね。東京に乗り込んで、是非ガツンと言わせて下さい。博多から本物のLed Zeppelinトリビュート・バンドが出てきて嬉しいです。
    This performance is really great. It's a perfect copy. Your guitar is getting better and better. Your vocals are also on top form! You are becoming a real competitor to Cinnamon and Mr Jimmy. Please come to Tokyo and give us a big thump. I'm glad to see a real Led Zeppelin tribute band from Hakata.

    ● かっちょええ~ですね。開いた口が塞がらないカッコよさ!
    It's so cool, isn't it? It's an open-mouthed thing!

    ● 感涙です。Since I've Been Loving You辺りからジーンときて、The Rain Songはもうヤバイ。
    It's a tearjerker. I started to get a bit emotional around "Since I've Been Loving You", and "The Rain Song" already knocked me out.

    ● 単なるカバーではなく、自分たちの持ち味出ていますね。特にボーカルさんには黒人音楽を感じます。
    It's not just a cover, but you guys bring it out. I feel black music, especially in the vocalist.

    ● 素晴らしい!自分の中のRock魂が沸々と蘇ってきました!
    Excellent! The Rock spirit in me came back to life with a boil!

    ● The Song Remains The Sameをほぼ忠実に再現されている、Led Zeppelin愛と本気度に驚かされました。素晴らしいです!
    I was amazed at the love and seriousness of Led Zeppelin, almost faithfully reproducing "The Song Remains The Same". It's fantastic!

    ● 聴き込んでしまいました。まるで本物かのような演奏に感動してます。Led Zeppelin愛が溢れてますね。
    I've been listening to it. I'm impressed by the way you play it as if it were the real Led Zeppelin. You guys have so much love for Led Zeppelin.

    ● あの時代、男子はよくLed Zeppelinを聴いていたけれど、私はDeep PurpleやQueenに夢中だったと思います。本家本元よりじっくり聴くことになりました。正直ビックリして感動しました。
    When I was younger, the boys used to listen to Led Zeppelin, but I think I was more into Deep Purple and Queen. I had to listen to them more carefully than the originals. I was surprised and impressed, to be honest.

    ● 素晴らしいとしか言えません!
    All I can say is that it is fantastic!

    ● 届いて以来ずっと聴いてます。面白いほどソックリで感動しました。
    I've been listening to the CD ever since it arrived. I was impressed by the interesting resemblance.

    ● 通勤車中、毎日がライブハウス状態!Jimmy Pageより上手なギターが最高(笑)!
    On the car on the way to work, every day is a live house situation! Cool guitarist who is better than Jimmy Page (laugh)!

    ● 檀家さんと家族の隙を見て、自坊の本堂にて大音量で楽しんでおります(笑)。
    Whenever my parishioners and their families are away, I enjoy it loudly in the main hall of my own temple (laugh).

    ● Led Zeppelin独特のスリリングな感じがよくでていて、思わず聴き入ってしまいました。ボーカルの方の故・ジョー山中氏を彷彿させるハイトーン・ボイスもいい味だしてますね。
    I couldn't help but listen to it, as it has Led Zeppelin's unique thrilling feel. The vocalist's high-tone voice, reminiscent of the late Joe Yamanaka, also gives off a good feeling.

    ● 店で爆音でかけてます。最高のライヴ!まさに73年のMSGにタイムスリップしました〜!
    We play the CD in the shop on blast. Best live show! I was truly transported back in time to MSG in '73!

    ● 何だこれは、ってくらい完コピ。感動しました。
    "What's this?" Perfect copy. I was impressed.

    ● いや〜、Led Zeppelinファンになって40年になりますが、これ程クオリティ高い演奏のLed Zeppelinのコピーは聴いたことないですわ〜。特にボーカルのRobert Plantなりきりが凄まじく、同じボーカルとして尊敬します!
    I've been a Led Zeppelin fan for 40 years, but I've never heard a copy of Led Zeppelin with such a high quality performance. Especially the vocalist's impersonation of Robert Plant is amazing, and I respect him as a vocalist as well!

    ● これだけのものを再現するのは大変だと思わされました。素晴らしいと思います。
    It made me think how hard it would be to recreate something like this. I think it's amazing.

    ● 始まった瞬間から興奮しました!一番最初のギターのイントロ、自分は若い頃に上手く入れなくて、メンバーに怒られたのを思い出しました(笑)。
    I was excited from the moment it started! The guitar intro at the beginning of the song reminded me of when I was younger and I couldn't get it right and the band members got mad at me (laugh)!

    ● 本物のLed Zeppelinのライブに行った気分です。拍手歓声をもっと大きくしたいです。
    I feel like I've been to a real Led Zeppelin concert. I would like to make the applause cheers louder.

    ● Robert Plantをよくぞここまで!
    How could you replicate Robert Plant so well!

    ● Led Zeppelinのブートを聴いている気になっちゃいました!
    I felt like I was listening to Led Zeppelin's bootleg!

    ● 早速iPodに入れて聴いてます。熱気が伝わって来ます!Since I've Been Loving You、良いですね〜。
    I'm listening to it on my iPod as soon as possible. I can feel the heat! "Since I've Been Loving You", it's great!

    ● ネットで聞くよりも音の抜けが良く、ライブ感が伝わって凄く良かったです。
    The sound was better than what you hear on the internet, and it was great to hear the live sound coming through.

    ● もう何十回聞いた事か。仕事で高速を使いますが、行きと帰りで聴いてます。事務所でもかけてます。
    I've heard it dozens of times already. I use the motorway for work and listen to it on the way to and from work. I also play it in the office.

    ● あまりにもクオリティーが高く、驚きと共に楽しませて頂きました。特に2枚目は圧巻でした。素晴らしかったです。
    The quality was so high that I was surprised and entertained. The second disc was particularly impressive. It was amazing.

    ● The Song Remains The Same 全曲完奏凄いですね。北海道まで遠征なさいませんか?
    A live recreation of all the songs from "The Song Remains The Same" would be amazing. Would you like to do a live concert in Hokkaido?

    ● 一回聴いただけでも、深い愛情と尊敬が感じられました〜。
    Even after just one listen, I could feel the deep love and respect for Led Zeppelin.

    ● 聴いていて思わずニヤケてきます。
    I can't help but grin when I listen to it.

    ● これってLed Zeppelinの未発表ブートと言っても通りますよね?
    This would work as an unreleased bootleg of Led Zeppelin, wouldn't it?

    ● 素晴らしい再現度です!ちなみに札幌在住ですが、自分のバンドのメンバーを連れて九州まで観に行こうか?と思ったりします(笑)。
    It is a wonderful reproduction! By the way, I live in Sapporo, but I'm thinking of going to Kyushu with my band members to see you guys live(Laugh).

    ● 本物のThe Song Remains The Sameを聴いているみたいです。
    It's like listening to the real "The Song Remains the Same".

    ● マジでカッケーです。
    It's really COOL.

    ● これってコピーの域を超えてますよね?音もLed Zeppelinそのものですよね?楽器や機材にも凄いお金がかかっているんでしょうね?
    This is beyond copying, isn't it? The sound is just like the original Led Zeppelin, isn't it? You guys must spend a lot of money on instruments and equipment, don't you?

    ● うちの店では連日ヘビーローテーションにてBGMで流しています!ロックマニアやオタクの常連のお客様に大好評で、ひそかなブームが始まっています。
    It is played as background music in heavy rotation every day in our shop! It is very popular with our regular customers who are rock fanatics and geeks, and a secret boom has begun.

    ● 素晴らしい出来で、羨望を感じました。
    It was a fantastic achievement and I felt envious.

    ● 昨夜これを聴きながら一杯やってしまいました。
    I had a drink last night while listening to this.

    ● このライブを聴いていると、何だかウルウルしてきます。東京在住ですが博多に娘夫婦がいるので、いつかは博多でのライブに行きたいです。
    When I listen to this live CD, I get kind of woozy. I live in Tokyo but have a daughter and her husband in Hakata, so one day I would like to go to your live concert in Hakata.

    ● 一言で言うと…良いです。使用された機材の詳細など、教えて頂けたら幸いです!
    In a word... Amazing. We would be grateful if you could provide us with details of the equipment used!

    ● 小さなライブハウスでLed Zeppelinを聞けたらこんな感じかな...と思います。
    This is what it would be like to hear the original Led Zeppelin in a small live house...I think.

    ● 最高のライブですね。思わずオリジナルと聞き比べてしまいましたが、全く遜色ないです。
    It's the best live performance. I couldn't help but compare it with the original and it's not at all inferior.

    ● 71年の荒々しさを維持したまま73年のMSGに挑む...というイメージに納得のサウンドです。こんなライブを生で体感できる博多の人たちが羨ましいです。
    Trying to recreate the MSG of '73 while keeping the intensity of '71. A sound that convinces the band's slogan. I envy the people of Hakata who get to experience live shows like this.

    ● ド迫力のライブですね。スルーしようかと思っていたリマスター版を買ってしまいそうです(笑)。
    It's a very powerful live performance. I'm almost tempted to buy the remastered version of Led Zeppelin, which I was thinking of going through(laugh).

    ● 早速会社で仕事中に聴いてみましたが、クオリティ高いですね。つまらない音源だったら怖いおばはんがボリューム下げに来るのですが、無事認可されたようです(笑)。
    I immediately listened to it at work in the office and the quality is very high. If it was a boring sound source, a scary lady would come to turn down the volume, but it seems to have been successfully approved (laugh).

    ● アマチュアがここまでやるなんてスゲエ!
    It's amazing that an amateur band can make it this far!

    ● 本物のLed Zeppelinも解散せずに続けていたら、きっとこんな感じだったんだろうなと思いました。
    I thought that if the real Led Zeppelin had not broken up and continued to work as they did, it would have been like this.

    ● 恐らく本物のLed Zeppelinもビックリ!
    Perhaps the original Led Zeppelin would be surprised to hear this!

    ● 本物のLed Zeppelinそっくりです。すご〜い!
    It looks just like the original Led Zeppelin. Amazing!

    ● スゲ!完コピですやん!
    Wow! It's a perfect copy, isn't it?

    ● まるっきりRobert Plantやん!
    The vocalist's a whole lotta Robert Plant!

    ● うおー、本物のLed Zeppelinだ!Robert Plantの叫びだぁ!嬉しくなっちゃいますね!
    Wow, it's the real Led Zeppelin, Robert Plant's Scream! I'm so happy!

    ● 聴いている内に本物のLed Zeppelinを聴いてるような錯覚を覚え、それをリアルタイムで聴いていた70年代を思い出しました。
    While I was listening to it, I had the illusion that I was listening to the original Led Zeppelin. And it reminded me of the 70s, when I was listening to it in real time.

    ● イントロからぶっとんだ!
    I was blown away by the intro to the CD!

    ● 局でもバンバン流してマス!
    The broadcaster also plays this guy in a bang-up mass!


Takeshi Percy Tanaka
Ken "Percy" Tanaka
田中 "パーシー" 健
Lead Vocal
Takeshi Jimmy Miyashita
Takeshi "Jimmy" Miyashita
宮下 "ジミー" 太希志
Lead Guitar
Koji Bonzo Yamaguchi
Koji "Bonzo" Yamaguchi
山口 "ボンゾ" 幸司
Tetsuhiro Jonesy I Shimoda
Tetsuhiro "Jonesy I" Shimoda
下田 "ジョーンジー1号" 哲裕
Bass Guitar
Hideaki Jonesy II Takao
Hideaki "Jonesy II" Takao
高尾 "ジョーンジー2号" 秀章
  • Footsteps

    ● 2011年3月 - 第1期「天国」/ March 2011 - The 1st period of "Tengoku" ●
    中村 幸彦(g,vo)・西原 京介(b)・藤本 浩二(ds)の3人が「天国」を結成する。
    Yukihiko Nakamura (g, vo), Kyosuke Nishihara (b) and Koji Fujimoto (ds) form the "Tengoku".

    ● 2011年9月 - 第2期「天国」/ September 2011 - The 2nd period of "Tengoku" ●
    結成以来不在だった専任ボーカリストとして、新たに田中 健(vo)が加入する。
    Ken Tanaka (vo) joins the group as a full-time vocalist who has been absent since the group was formed.

    ● 2012年5月 - 第3期「天国」/ May 2012 - The 3rd period of "Tengoku" ●
    西原 京介(b)が脱退し、新たに古川 道博(b)が加入する。
    Kyosuke Nishihara (b) leaves the group and Michihiro Furukawa (b) joins the group.

    ● 2014年12月 -「Graf Zeppelin」/ December 2014 - "Graf Zeppelin" ●
    藤本 浩二(ds)・古川 道博(b)が脱退し、新たに平川 雄二(ds)・川上 翔太郎(b)が加入。バンド名を「Graf Zeppelin(グラーフ・ツェッペリン)」と改める。
    Koji Fujimoto (ds) and Michihiro Furukawa (b) left the group and Yuji Hirakawa (ds) and Shotaro Kawakami (b) joined the group. The name of the band was changed to "Graf Zeppelin".

    ● 2016年9月 / September 2016●
    川上 翔太郎(b)が失踪、後任に関する意見の相違から平川 雄二(ds)が脱退、更に創立メンバーであった中村 幸彦(g)も新バンド結成のため去り、バンドは絶対絶命の危機を迎えた。
    Shotaro Kawakami (b) disappears, Yuji Hirakawa (ds) leaves the band due to disagreement about the successor bassist, and the founding member Yukihiko Nakamura (g) leaves to form a new band, the band was on the verge of collapse.

    ● 2017年1月 -「Graf Zeppelin II」/ January 2017 - "Graf Zeppelin II" ●
    新たに田中 健の音楽仲間だった宮下 太希志(g)・山口幸司(ds)、田中 健の妻の音楽仲間だった下田 哲裕(b)・高尾 秀章(b)が相次いで加入。バンド名を「Graf Zeppelin II(グラーフ・ツェッペリンII)」と改め、活動を再開する。
    Takeshi Miyashita (g) and Koji Yamaguchi (ds) who were music companions of Ken Tanaka, and Tetsuhiro Shimoda (b) and Hideaki Takao (b) who were music companions of the wife of Ken Tanaka, joined the band. They renamed the band "Graf Zeppelin II" and resumed his activities.

    ● 2017年3月26日 / 26th of March 2017 (1st Live) ●
    福岡・Jamlto西新にて「Maiden Flight(処女飛行)ライブ Vol.1」を敢行。
    "Maiden Flight Live Vol. 1" was held at Jamlto Nisshin in Fukuoka.

    ● 2017年4月1日 / 1st of April 2017 (2nd Live) ●
    北九州・小倉Bar 513Hallにて「Maiden Flight(処女飛行)ライブ Vol.2」を敢行。
    "Maiden Flight Live Vol. 2" was held at Kokura Bar 513 Hall in Kitakyushu.

    ● 2017年5月27日 / 27th of May 2017 (3rd Live) ●
    "Moji Port Festival" at Mojiko Retro, Kitakyushu, they appeared on the special stage in the central square.

    ● 2017年6月11日 / 11th of June 2017 (4th Live) ●
    The first solo live for 2 hours was held at MOVEment in Futsukaichi.

    ● 2017年6月17日 / 17th of June 2017 (5th Live) ●
    福岡・中洲Gate's 7にて「Led Zeppelin vs Deep Purple激突ライブ」を敢行。
    "Led Zeppelin vs Deep Purple Live" was held at Gate's 7 in Nakasu, Fukuoka.

    ● 2017年7月30日 / 30th of July 2017 (6th Live) ●
    福岡・香椎Live Cafe ERICにて「Led Zeppelinと英国Blues Rock・米国Swamp Rockの夜」を敢行。
    Held "Evening With Led Zeppelin, UK Blues Rock, US Swamp Rock" at Kashii Live Cafe ERIC in Fukuoka.

    ● 2017年8月20日 / 20th of August 2017 ●
    Facebook page passes 500 "Like" users.

    ● 2017年8月26日 / 26th of August 2017 ●
    Facebookで公開したGate's 7でのライブ動画が、大御所ジミー桜井さんから「いいね」の評価をいただく。
    Live video at Gate's 7 uploaded on Facebook has been rated "Like" by Mr. Jimmy Sakurai.

    ● 2017年9月3日 / 3rd of September 2017 (7th Live) ●
    浮羽・Sound Zeroにて、企画ライブ「九州北部豪雨災害復旧支援ライブ」に出演。
    Appearing in the special live "Northern Kyushu Heavy Rain Disaster Recovery Support Live" at Ukiha Sound Zero.

    ● 2017年11月3日 / 3rd of November 2017 (8th Live) ●
    福岡・Jamlto西新にて、5時間にも及ぶ「神々の鉄槌(Hammer of the Gods)ライブ」を敢行。
    "Hammer of the Gods Live" for 5 hours was held at Jamlto Nisshin in Fukuoka.

    ● 2017年11月23日 / 23rd of November 2017 (9th Live) ●
    福岡・大名Roomsにて、企画ライブ「The Big D」(神々の鉄槌・抜粋版 Vol.1)に出演。
    Performed in the planned live "The Big D" at Daimyo Rooms in Fukuoka.

    ● 2017年12月23日 / 23rd of December 2017 (10th Live) ●
    福岡・中洲Gate's 7にて、企画ライブ「X'mas Cover Night」(神々の鉄槌・抜粋版 Vol.2)に出演。
    Performed in the planned live "X'mas Cover Night" at Nakasu Gate's 7 in Fukuoka.

    ● 2017年12月24日 / 24th of December 2017 ●
    有名なアメリカのLed Zeppelinファン・サイト「Led Zeppelin USA」に、お勧めのトリビュート・バンドとして取り上げられる。
    It was featured on the popular American Led Zeppelin fan site "Led Zeppelin USA" as a recommended tribute band.

    ● 2018年1月19日 / 19th of Junuary 2018 (11th Live) ●
    久留米・Music Amusement Bar Funky Dogにて、2時間を超える単独ライブ「久留米初来襲ライブ」を敢行。
    Solo live over 2 hours was held at Kurume Music Amusement Bar Funky Dog.

    ● 2018年2月4日 / 4th of Febrary 2018 (12th Live) ●
    福岡・中洲Gate's 7にて、全面的に企画を手掛けた「祭典の日~九州Classic Rock Festival」を敢行。100名を超える成功を収める。
    At the Fukuoka Nakasu Gate's 7 in Fukuoka, "Celebration Day - Kyushu Classic Rock Festival" which was fully planned was held. It was successful with over 100 audiences.

    ● 2018年3月15日 / 15th of March 2018 ●
    有名なアメリカのLed Zeppelinファン・サイト「Led Zeppelin USA」に、お勧めのトリビュート・バンドとして再び取り上げられる。
    It was featured again on the popular American Led Zeppelin fan site "Led Zeppelin USA" as a recommended tribute band.

    ● 2018年3月25日 / 25th of March 2018 (13th Live) ●
    福岡・清川Cavern Beatにて「結成1周年記念(1st Anniversary)ライブ Vol.1」を敢行。
    "1st Anniversary Live Vol. 1" was held at the Kiyokawa Cavern Beat in Fukuoka.

    ● 2018年4月8日 / 8th of April 2018 (14th Live) ●
    北九州・小倉Bar 513Hallにて「結成1周年記念(1st Anniversary)ライブ Vol.2」を敢行。
    "1st Anniversary Live Vol. 2" was held at the Kokura Bar 513 Hall in Kitakyushu.

    ● 2018年4月14日 / 14th of April 2018 ●
    Facebook page passes 1,000 "Like" users.

    ● 2018年4月28日 / 28th of April 2018 (15th Live) ●
    大分・宇佐 音小屋REBOOTにて、企画ライブ「Live in USA!」に出演。
    Appearing in the special live "Live in USA !" at Usa Otogoya Reboot in Oita.

    ● 2018年5月26日 / 26th of May 2018 (16th Live) ●
    "Moji Port Festival" at Mojiko Retro, Kitakyushu, they appeared on the special stage in the central square.

    ● 2018年6月9日 / 9th of June 2018 (17th Live) ●
    二日市・MOVEmentにて「永遠の詩(The Song Remains the Same)~Led Zeppelin'73年MSG公演全曲完奏ライブ」を敢行。ライブの模様を収めたCD(2枚組)を制作する。
    "The Song Remains the Same - Led Zeppelin '73 MSG Concert Completely Live" was held at MOVEment in Futsukaichi. Band has recorded the live performance into the 2CD set.

    ● 2018年6月19日 / 19th of June 2018 ●
    「永遠の詩(The Song Remains the Same)~Led Zeppelin'73年MSG公演全曲完奏ライブ」の模様を収めたCD(2枚組)の全国無料配布を開始する。
    The 2CD set featuring the "The Song Remains the Same (eternal poem) - Led Zeppelin '73 MSG Concert Completely Live" will be distributed free of charge nationwide.

    ● 2018年7月5日 / 5th of July 2018 ●
    「永遠の詩(The Song Remains the Same)~Led Zeppelin'73年MSG公演全曲完奏ライブ」の模様を収めたCD(2枚組)について、大御所ジミー桜井さんから「すごいね」の評価をいただく。
    The 2CD set featuring the "The Song Remains the Same (eternal poem) - Led Zeppelin '73 MSG Concert Completely Live" has been rated "Wow" by Mr. Jimmy Sakurai.

    ● 2018年7月28日 / 28th of July 2018 (18th Live) ●
    福岡・Jamlto西新にて「Hendrix, Clapton, Beck, Page & Blackmore~5大ギタリスト激突ライブ」を敢行。
    "Hendrix, Clapton, Beck, Page & Blackmore ~ Super Battle Live" was held at Jamlto Nisshin in Fukuoka.

    ● 2018年7月29日 / 29th of July 2018 (19th Live) ●
    "Blues Competition Live" was held in Argo, Itoshima.

    ● 2018年9月1日・2日 / 1st, 2nd of September 2018 (20th-21st Live) ●
    福岡・中洲Gate's 7にて、初の2Days開催となった「祭典の日~第2回九州Classic Rock Festival」を敢行。200名を超える成功を収め、西日本新聞に取り上げられる。
    For the first time in 2 days, "Celebration Day - Kyushu Classic Rock Festival Vol. 2" was held at Nakasu Gate's 7, Fukuoka. It was a success with over 200 audiences and was featured in "Nishinihon Shinbun" newspaper.

    ● 2018年9月16日 / 16th of September 2018 ●
    東京・原宿Crocodileにて、田中 健(vo)がLeotard Skynyrd(Lynyrd skynyrdトリビュート・バンド)の東京公演の代理ボーカリストを務める。
    Ken Tanaka (vo) is the acting vocalist for the performance of Leotard Skynyrd (Lynyrd Skyyrd tribute band) at Harajuku Crocodile in Tokyo.

    ● 2018年11月11日 / 11th of November 2018 ●
    神戸・Chicken Georgeにて、田中 健(vo)がLeotard Skynyrd(Lynyrd skynyrdトリビュート・バンド)の関西公演の代理ボーカリストを務める。
    Ken Tanaka (vo) is the acting vocalist for the performance of Leotard Skynyrd (Lynyrd Skyyrd tribute band) at Chicken George in Kobe.

    ● 2018年12月13日 / 13th of December 2018 ●
    Facebook page passes 1,500 "Like" users.

    ● 2018年12月15日 / 15th of December 2018 (22nd Live) ●
    福岡・大名Roomsにて「The Big D」に出演。
    Performed in the planned live "The Big D" at Daimyo Rooms in Fukuoka.

    ● 2019年1月13日 / 13th of Junuary 2019 (23rd Live) ●
    広島・LIVE Cafe Jiveにて、九州以外での初めてのライブとなる「Led Zeppelin'71年広島公演全曲完奏ライブ」を敢行。70名を超える満員御礼の大成功を収める。
    At LIVE Cafe Jive in Hiroshima, the 1st live show outside Kyushu "Led Zeppelin's '71 Hiroshima Performance Complete Live" was held. It was a great success, with over 70 audiences attending.

    ● 2019年2月2日・3日 / 2nd, 3rd of February 2019 (24-25th Live) ●
    福岡・中洲Gate's 7にて、前回に続き2Days開催となった「祭典の日~第3回九州Classic Rock Festival」を敢行。200名を超える成功を収め、西日本新聞に取り上げられる。
    In 2 days, "Celebration Day - Kyushu Classic Rock Festival Vol. 3" was held at Nakasu Gate's 7, Fukuoka. It was a success with over 200 audiences and was featured in "Nishinihon Shinbun" newspaper.

    ● 2019年3月3日 / 3rd of March 2019 (26th Live) ●
    福岡・清川Cavern Beatにて「お蔵出しライブ」を敢行。
    "Take-out of the Warehouse Live Show" was held at the Kiyokawa Cavern Beat in Fukuoka

    ● 2019年4月6日 / 6th of April 2019 (27th Live) ●
    福岡・Jamlto西新にて「Led Zeppelin2時間 vs Deep Purple2時間~史上最大の頂上決戦ライブ」を敢行。
    "Led Zeppelin (2 hours) vs Deep Purple (2 hours) Live" was held at Jamlto Nishishin in Fukuoka.

    ● 2019年5月6日 / 6th of May 2019 ●
    Facebook page passes 2,000 "Like" users.

    ● 2019年5月25日 / 25th of May 2019 (28th Live) ●
    大阪・梅田Rock Bar Seventhにて、九州以外での2度目のライブとなる「Led Zeppelin'71年大阪公演全曲完奏ライブ」を敢行。40名を超える満員御礼の大成功を収める。
    At Umeda Rock Bar Seventh in Osaka, the 2nd live show outside Kyushu "Led Zeppelin's '71 Osaka Performance Complete Live" was held. It was a great success, with over 40 audiences attending.

    ● 2019年6月5日 / 5th of June 2019 ●
    大御所ジミー桜井さんのバンド「Mr. Jimmy (USA)」のメンバー・Shawn Kelly氏(vo)と John Paul Joel氏(b,key)から、Facebookのお友達申請をいただく(大御所ジミー桜井さんは以前からのお友達)。
    We have received a Facebook friend request from Shawn Kelly (vo) and John Paul Joel (b, key), members of Jimmy Sakurai's band "Mr. Jimmy (USA)" (Jimmy Sakurai is an old friend.).

    ● 2019年6月9日 / 9th of June 2019 (29th Live) ●
    二日市・MOVEmentにて「フィジカル・グラフィティ(Physicsl Graffiti)全曲完奏ライブ」を敢行。
    "Physicsl Graffiti Completely Live" was held at MOVEMENT in Futsukaichi.

    ● 2019年7月14日 / 14th of July 2019 (30th Live) ●
    福岡・Jamlto西新にて「Led Zeppelin'71年日本公演全曲完奏ライブ」を敢行。
    "Led Zeppelin's '71 Japanese Performance Complete Live" was held at Jamlto Nisshin in Fukuoka.

    ● 2019年8月18日 / 18th of August 2019 (31st Live) ●
    久留米・Music Amusement Bar Funky Dogにて、企画ライブ「強ROCK」に出演。
    Appearing in the project live "Strong ROCK" at Music Amusement Bar Funky Dog in Kurume.

    ● 2019年8月31日 / 21st of August 2019 (32nd Live) ●
    福岡・中洲Gate's 7にて「祭典の日~第4回九州Classic Rock Festival」を敢行。150名を超える満員御礼の大成功を収め、西日本新聞に取り上げられる。
    "Celebration Day - Kyushu Classic Rock Festival Vol. 4" was held at Nakasu Gate's 7, Fukuoka. It was a success with over 150 audiences and was featured in "Nishinihon Shinbun" newspaper.

    ● 2019年9月4日 / 4th of September 2019 ●
    Facebook page passes 2,500 "Like" users.

    ● 2019年9月15日 / 15th of September 2019 (33rd Live) ●
    大分・music house Cantaloop IIにて、企画ライブ「Monsters of Heavy Rock」に出演。
    Appearing in the project live "70's Monsters of Heavy Rock" at music house Cantaloop II in Oita.

    ● 2019年10月13日 / 13th of October 2019 ●
    九州以外での3度目のライブとなるはずだった「東京大決戦~Rolling Stones vs Led Zeppelinカバーバンド対決ライブ」が、台風のため中止となる。
    It was supposed to be 3rd live show outside Kyushu "Tokyo Grand Battle – Rolling Stones vs Led Zeppelin Cover Band Battle Live", but it was cancelled due to the typhoon.

    ● 2019年11月30日 / 30th of Nobember 2019 (34th Live) ●
    大阪・Hard Rock Cafe大阪にて、九州以外での3度目のライブとなる「大阪再襲撃ライブ」を敢行。120名を超える満員御礼の大成功を収める。
    3rd live show outside Kyushu, "Osaka 2nd-Raid Live" was held at Hard Rock Cafe Osaka. It was a great success, with over 120 audiences attending.

    ● 2019年12月8日 / 8th of December 2019 (35th Live) ●
    北九州・黒崎Music Spot Berry'sにて「How the East Was Won~北九州凱旋ライブ」を敢行。
    "How the East Was Won – Triumphant Live Return to Kitakyushu" was held at Kurosaki Music Spot Berry's in Kitakyushu.

    ● 2019年12月31日 / 31st of December 2019 ●
    「永遠の詩(The Song Remains the Same)~Led Zeppelin'73年MSG公演全曲完奏ライブ」の模様を収めたCD(2枚組)について、大御所Cinnamonさんから「送って欲しい」との依頼を受ける。
    The 2CD set "The Song Remains the Same - Led Zeppelin '73 MSG Concert Completely Live" is asked by "Cinnamon", "We want you to send it to us.".

    ● 2020年1月13日 / 13th of Junuary 2020 (36th Live) ●
    久留米・Music Amusement Bar Funky Dogにて「How the East Was Won~久留米凱旋ライブ」を敢行。
    "How the East Was Won – Triumphant Live Return to Kurume" was held at Music Amusement Bar Funky Dog in Kurume.

    ● 2020年2月8日・9日 / 8th, 9th of February 2020 (37-38th Live) ●
    福岡・中洲Gate's 7にて、再び2Days開催となった「祭典の日~第5回九州Classic Rock Festival」を敢行。300名を超える満員御礼の大成功を収め、西日本新聞に取り上げられる。
    In 2 days, "Celebration Day - Kyushu Classic Rock Festival Vol. 5" was held at Nakasu Gate's 7, Fukuoka. It was a success with over 300 audiences and was featured in "Nishinihon Shinbun" newspaper.

    ● 2020年2月23日 / 23rd of February 2020 (39th Live) ●
    東京・原宿Crocodileにて、九州以外での4度目のライブとなる「帰ってきた東京大決戦~Rolling Stones vs Led Zeppelinカバーバンド対決ライブ」を敢行。100名を超える満員御礼の大成功を収める。
    4th live concert outside Kyushu, "Returning : Tokyo Grand Battle - Rolling Stones vs Led Zeppelin Cover Band Battle Live" at Harajuku Crocodile in Tokyo. It was a great success, with over 100 audiences attending.

    ● 2020年3月29日 / 29th of March 2020 ●
    "Led Zeppelin Songs - Live & Session " has been cancelled due to the outbreak of Covid-19.

    ● 2020年4月12日 / 12th of April 2020 ●
    Facebook page passes 3,000 "Like" users.

    ● 2020年4月25日 / 25th of April 2020 ●
    It was supposed to be 5th live show outside Kyushu"Solo Live in Nagoya", but it was postponed and cancelled in the end due to the outbreak of Covid-19.

    ● 2020年5月30日 / 30th of May 2020 ●
    「Zep道楽」さん主催の「Zep Festa #2」が、新型肺炎流行のため延期となる。
    "Zep Festa #2" hosted by "Zep Doraku" has been postponed due to the outbreak of Covid-19.

    ● 2020年7月11日 / 11th of July 2020 ●
    結成3周年を記念して、新たにバンド名を「Graf Zeppelin JP(グラーフ・ツェッペリン・ジャパン)」に改める。
    In commemoration of the 3rd anniversary of the band's founding, the name was changed to "Graf Zeppelin JP (Graf Zeppelin Japan)".

    ● 2020年8月13日 / 13th of August 2020 ●
    「永遠の詩(The Song Remains the Same)~Led Zeppelin'73年MSG公演全曲完奏ライブ」の模様を収めたCD(2枚組)について、俳優の佐野史郎さんから高評価をいただく。
    The 2CD set featuring the "The Song Remains the Same (eternal poem) - Led Zeppelin '73 MSG Concert Completely Live" has been praised by Mr. Sano Shiro, Actor.

    ● 2020年9月5日 / 5th of September 2020 (40th Live) ●
    福岡・Jamlto西新にて初の配信ライブとなる「Hello World - Volume 1」を敢行。視聴者500名を超える成功を収める。
    "Hello World - Volume 1", the first streaming live was held at Jamlto Nishijin in Fukuoka. It was a success with over 500 viewers.

    ● 2020年9月11日 / 11th of September 2020 ●
    初の配信ライブとなる「Hello World」が西日本新聞に記事として取り上げられる。
    The first streaming live "Hello World" was reported in Nishinihon Shinbun.

    ● 2020年9月26日 / 26th of September 2020 (41st Live) ●
    福岡・Cavern Beatにて2回目の配信ライブとなる「Hello World - Volume 2」を敢行。視聴者500名を超える成功を収める。
    "Hello World - Volume 2", the second streaming live was held at Cavern Beat in Fukuoka. It was a success with over 500 viewers.

    ● 2020年11月15日 / 26th of September 2020 (42nd Live) ●
    福岡・博多Deja-vuにて3回目の配信ライブとなる「Hello World - Volume 3 : Acoustic」を敢行。視聴者300名を超える成功を収める。
    "Hello World - Volume 3 : Acoustic", the third streaming live was held at Hakata Deja-vu in Fukuoka. It was a success with over 300 viewers.

    ● 2021年04月24日 / 24th of April 2021 (43rd Live) ●
    "4th Anniversary Secret Live", the fourth streaming live was held at Jamlto Nishijin in Fukuoka.

    ● 2021年11月28日 / 26th of November 2022 (44th Live) ●
    福岡・Kid Rockにて「Led Zeppelin VS Jimi Hendrix - Live」を敢行。
    "Led Zeppelin VS Jimi Hendrix - Live" was held at Kid Rock in Fukuoka.

    ● 2022年5月15日 / 15th of May 2022 (45th Live) ●
    福岡・中洲Gate's 7にて「祭典の日~第6回九州Classic Rock Festival」を敢行。130名を超える大成功を収める。
    "Celebration Day - Kyushu Classic Rock Festival Vol. 6" was held at Nakasu Gate's 7, Fukuoka. It was a success with over 130 audiences.

    ● 2022年06月26日 / 26th of June 2022 (46th Live) ●
    福岡・博多Deja-vuにて「Led Zeppelin Songs - Live and Session」を敢行。
    "Led Zeppelin Songs - Live and Session" was held at Hakata Deja-vu in Fukuoka.

    ● 2022年7月16日・17日 / 16th, 17th of July 2022 (47th Live) ●
    福岡・中洲Gate's 7にて、再び2Days開催となった「祭典の日~第7回九州Classic Rock Festival」を敢行。240名を超える満員御礼の大成功を収める.
    In 2 days, "Celebration Day - Kyushu Classic Rock Festival Vol. 7" was held at Nakasu Gate's 7, Fukuoka. It was a success with over 240 audiences.

    ● 2022年8月21日 / 21st of August 2022 (48th Live) ●
    福岡・Red Houseにて「Red House開店祝賀ライブ」を敢行。
    "Red House Opening Celebration Live" was held at Red House in Fukuoka.

    ● 2022年9月4日 / 4th of September 2022 (49th Live) ●
    久留米・Music Amusement Bar Funky Dogにて「Rises over Japan 1~久留米公演」を敢行。
    "Rises over Japan 1 : Live in Kurume" was held at Music Amusement Bar Funky Dog in Kurume.

    ● 2022年10月15日・16日 / 15th, 16th of October 2022 (50th Live) ●
    福岡・中洲Gate's 7にて、再び2Days開催となった「祭典の日~第8回九州Classic Rock Festival」を敢行。
    In 2 days, "Celebration Day - Kyushu Classic Rock Festival Vol. 8" was held at Nakasu Gate's 7, Fukuoka.

    ● 2022年10月30日 / 30th of October 2022 (51st Live) ●
    "Shioji Rock Festival" at Mt.Shioji, Dazaifu, they appeared on the special stage.

    ● 2022年11月12日 / 12th of November 2022 (52nd Live) ●
    東京・吉祥寺Silver Elephantにて、九州以外での5度目のライブとなる「Zep Festa #2」(「Zep道楽」さん主催)を敢行。70名を超える満員御礼の大成功を収める。
    5th live concert outside Kyushu, "Zep Festa #2 (Rises over Japan 2 : Live in Tokyo)" (hosted by "Zep Doraku") at Kichijoji Silver Elephant in Tokyo. It was a great success, with over 70 audiences attending.

    ● 2022年11月22日 / 22nd of November 2022 ●
    Selected by Facebook as an "Expected Creator (Musician/Band)".

    ● 2022年12月17日 / 17th of December 2022 (53rd Live) ●
    佐世保・ガァネットにて「Rises over Japan 3~佐世保公演」を敢行。
    "Rises over Japan 3 : Live in Sasebo" was held at Garnet in Sasebo.

    ● 2023年1月15日 / 15th of Junuary 2023 (54th Live) ●
    福岡・中洲Gate's 7にて、「祭典の日~第9回九州Classic Rock Festival」を敢行。
    "Celebration Day - Kyushu Classic Rock Festival Vol. 9" was held at Nakasu Gate's 7, Fukuoka.

    ● 2023年1月28日 / 28th of Junuary 2023 (55th Live) ●
    広島・LIVE Cafe Jiveにて「Rises over Japan 5~広島公演」を敢行。
    "Rises over Japan 5 : Live in Hiroshima" was held at LIVE Cafe Jive in Hiroshima.

    ● 2023年3月11日・12日 / 11th, 12th of March 2023 (56th Live) ●
    福岡・中洲Gate's 7にて、「祭典の日~第10回九州Classic Rock Festival」を敢行。
    "Celebration Day - Kyushu Classic Rock Festival Vol. 10" was held at Nakasu Gate's 7, Fukuoka.

    ● 2023年4月11日 / 11th of April 2023 ●
    Facebook page passes 4,000 "Like" users.

    ● 2023年4月22日 / 22nd of April 2023 (57th Live) ●
    名古屋・Heart Landにて「Rises over Japan 6~名古屋公演」を敢行。
    "Rises over Japan 6 : Live in Nagoya" was held at Heart Land in Nagoya.

    ● 2023年5月7日 / 7th of May 2023 (58th Live) ●
    福岡・Jamlto西新にて「Rises over Japan 7~福岡里帰り公演」を敢行。
    "Rises over Japan 7 : Return to Fukuoka" was held at Jamlto Nishijin in Fukuoka.

    ● 2023年7月23日 / 23rd of July 2023 (59th Live) ●
    福岡・Jamlto西新にて「Led Zeppelin Festa in Fukuoka~飛行船伝説補完計画」を敢行。
    "Led Zeppelin Festa in Fukuoka" was held at Jamlto Nishijin in Fukuoka.

    ● 2023年8月5日・6日 / 5th, 6th of August 2023 (60th-61st Live) ●
    福岡・中洲Gate's 7にて、再び2Days開催となった「祭典の日~第11回九州Classic Rock Festival」を敢行。270名を超える満員御礼の大成功を収める.
    In 2 days, "Celebration Day - Kyushu Classic Rock Festival Vol. 11" was held at Nakasu Gate's 7, Fukuoka. It was a success with over 270 audiences.

    ● 2023年8月19日 / 19th of August 2023 (62nd Live) ●
    8th live concert outside Kyushu, "Live in Hokkaido" at Xenon in Sapporo. It was a great success, with over 40 audiences attending.

    ● 2023年10月28日 / 28th of October 2023 (63rd Live) ●
    "Shioji Rock Festival" at Mt.Shioji, Dazaifu, they appeared on the special stage.

    ● 2023年11月5日 / 5th of Nobember 2023 (64th Live) ●
    福岡・Kid Rockにて「Led Zeppelin VS Jimi Hendrix - Live」を敢行。
    "Led Zeppelin VS Jimi Hendrix - Live" was held at Kid Rock in Fukuoka.

    ● 2024年1月20日 / 20th of January 2024 (65th Live) ●
    福岡・中洲Gate's 7にて、「Hammer of the Gods~神々の鉄槌」を敢行。130名を超える満員御礼の大成功を収める。
    "Hammer of the Gods" was held at Nakasu Gate's 7, Fukuoka. It was a great success, with over 130 audiences attending.

    ● 2024年1月28日 / 28th of January 2024 (66th Live) ●
    福岡・香椎Live Cafe ERICにて、企画ライブ「北陸地震復旧支援ライブ」に出演。
    Appearing in the special live "Hokuriku Earthquake Recovery Support Live" at Kashii Live Cafe ERIC in Fukuoka.

    ● 2024年2月11日 / 11th of February 2024 (67th Live) ●
    福岡・中洲Red Houseにて、企画ライブ「Red House復活・祝賀ライブ」に出演。
    Appearing in the special live "Resurrection of Red House - Celebration Live" at Nakasu Red House in Fukuoka.

    ● 2024年2月23日 / 23rd of February 2024 (68th Live) ●
    "Total 5 Hours Live, Part 1" was held at Shiela in Gatta, Fukuoka.

    ● 2024年3月9日 / 9th of March 2024 (69th Live) ●
    福岡・中洲Gate's 7にて、「祭典の日~第12回九州Classic Rock Festival」を敢行。
    "Celebration Day - Kyushu Classic Rock Festival Vol. 12" was held at Nakasu Gate's 7, Fukuoka.

Flight Schedule

  • 4/20(土)

    ZEP総集編 5時間ライブ後編
    @ 天神・しらいんがた


    @ 柳川市民文化会館

Flight Log

[58th] Return to Fukuoka
[58th] Return to Fukuoka
Rises over Japan Tour 7
@Jamlto Nishijin
[57th] Live in Nagoya
[57th] Live in Nagoya
Rises over Japan Tour 6
@Nagoya Heart Land
[56th] Live in Fukuoka
[56th] Live in Fukuoka
Classic Rock Festival 10
@Fukuoka Gate's 7
[55th] Live in Hiroshima
[55th] Live in Hiroshima
Rises over Japan Tour 5
@Hiroshima Jive
[54th] Live in Fukuoka
[54th] Live in Fukuoka
Classic Rock Festival 9
Rises over Japan Tour 4
@Fukuoka Gate's 7
[53th] Live in Sasebo
[53rd] Live in Sasebo
Rises over Japan Tour 3
@Sasebo Garnet
[52th] Live in Tokyo
[52nd] Live in Tokyo
Rises over Japan Tour 2
@Kichijoji Silver Elephant
[51th] Live in Shioji
[51st] Live in Shioji
@Shioji Rock Festival
[50th] Live in Fukuoka
[50th] Live in Fukuoka
Classic Rock Festival 8
@Fukuoka Gate's 7
[49th] Live in Kurume
[49th] Live in Kurume
Rises over Japan Tour 1
@Kurume Funky Dog
[48th] Opening Celebration Live
[48th] Live in Fukuoka
@Meinohama Red House
[46th] Live in Fukuoka
[46th] Live in Fukuoka
Live & Session
@Hakata Deja-vu
[45th/47th] Live in Fukuoka
[45th/47th] Live in Fukuoka
Classic Rock Festival 6/7
@Fukuoka Gate's 7
[44th] Live in Fukuoka
[44th] Live in Fukuoka
Led Zeppelin vs Jimi Hendrix
@Tenjin Kid Rock
⇒ 音源紛失
[43th] Hello World, Vol 4
[43rd] Hello World, Vol 4
@Jamlto Nishijin
[42th] Hello World, Vol 3
[42nd] Hello World, Vol 3
@Hakata Deja-vu
[41th] Hello World, Vol 2
[41st] Hello World, Vol 2
結成3周年配信ライブ 2
@Kiyokawa Cavern Beat
[40th] Hello World, Vol 1
[40th] Hello World, Vol 1
結成3周年配信ライブ 1
@Jamlto Nishijin
[39th] Live in Tokyo
[39th] Live in Tokyo
@Harajuku Crocodile
[37th/38th] Live in Fukuoka
[37th/38th] Live in Fukuoka
Classic Rock Festival 5
@Fukuoka Gate's 7
[36th] Live in Kurume
[36th] Live in Kurume
How The East Was Won 2
@Kurume Funky Dog
[35th] Live in Kitakyushu
[35th] Live in Kitakyushu
How The East Was Won 1
@Kurosaki Berry's
[34th] Live in Osaka
[34th] Live in Osaka
@Hard Rock Cafe Osaka
[33th] Live in Oita
[33rd] Live in Oita
Monster of Heavy Rock
@Oita Cantaloop II
[32th] Live in Fukuoka
[32nd] Live in Fukuoka
Classic Rock Festival 4
@Fukuoka Gate's 7
[31th] Live in Kurume
[31st] Live in Kurume
@Kurume Funky Dog
[30th] Live in Fukuoka
[30th] Live in Fukuoka
1971年日本公演 完奏ライブ
@Jamlto Nishijin
[27th] Live in Chikushino
[27th] Live in Chikushino
Physical Graffiti 完奏ライブ
@Futsukaichi MOVEment
[28th] Live in Osaka
[28th] Live in Osaka
1971年大阪公演 完奏ライブ
@Osaka Seventh
[27th] Live in Fukuoka
[27th] Live in Fukuoka
@Jamlto Nishijin
[26th] Live in Fukuoka
[26th] Live in Fukuoka
@Kiyokawa Cavern Beat
[24th/25th] Live in Fukuoka
[24th/25th] Live in Fukuoka
Classic Rock Festival 3
@Fukuoka Gate's 7
[22th] Live in Hiroshima
[23rd] Live in Hiroshima
1971年広島公演 完奏ライブ
@Hiroshima Jive
[21th] Live in Fukuoka
[22nd] Live in Fukuoka
Earthbound Live [The Big D]
@Daimyo Rooms
[20th/21th] Live in Fukuoka
[20th/21st] Live in Fukuoka
Classic Rock Festival 2
@Fukuoka Gate's 7
[19th] Live in Itoshima
[19th] Live in Itoshima
@Itoshima Argo
[18th] Live in Fukuoka
[18th] Live in Fukuoka
@Jamlto Nishijin
[17th] Live in Chikushino
[17th] Live in Chikushino
永遠の詩 完奏ライブ
@Futsukaichi MOVEment
[16th] Live in Kitakyushu
[16th] Live in Kitakyushu
門司港祭り野外ライブ Vol.2
@Moji Port Festival
[15th] Live in Usa
[15th] Live in Usa
@Usa Otogoya Reboot
[14th] Live in Kitakyushu
[14th] Live in Kitakyushu
結成1周年ライブ 2
@Kokura Bar 513 Hall
[13th] Live in Fukuoka
[13th] Live in Fukuoka
結成1周年ライブ 1
@Kiyokawa Cavern Beat
[12th] Live in Fukuoka
[12th] Live in Fukuoka
Classic Rock Festival 1
@Fukuoka Gate's 7
[11th] Live in Kurume
[11th] Live in Kurume
@Kurume Funky Dog
[10th] Live in Fukuoka
[10th] Live in Fukuoka
神々の鉄槌(抜粋) 2
@Fukuoka Gate's 7
[09th] Live in Kitakyushu
[09th] Live in Kitakyushu
神々の鉄槌(抜粋) 1 [The Big D]
@Daimyo Rooms
[08th] Live in Fukuoka
[08th] Live in Fukuoka
神々の鉄槌(Whole Lotta Live)
@Jamlto Nishijin
[07th] Live in Hita
[07th] Live in Hita
@Hita Sound Zero
[06th] Live in Fukuoka
[06th] Live in Fukuoka
@Kashii Eric
[05th] Live in Fukuoka
[05th] Live in Fukuoka
Led Zeppelin vs Deep Purple
@Fukuoka Gate's 7
[04th] Live in Chikushino
[04th] Live in Chikushino
@Futsukaichi MOVEment
[03rd] Live in Kitakyushu
[03rd] Live in Kitakyushu
@Moji Port Festival
[02nd] Live in Kitakyushu
[02nd] Live in Kitakyushu
Maden Voyage (処女飛行) 2
@Kokura Bar 513 Hall
[01st] Live in Fukuoka
[01st] Live in Fukuoka
Maden Voyage (処女飛行) 1
@Jamlto Nishijin

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